
Mesha Rashi (Aries Sign) dates and results of Sadesathi and Ardashtama and Astama Shani

Planetary Conjunctions and Natural Disasters – Vedic Astrology Insights by Santhosh Sharma in English, తెలుగు, हिंदी

విశ్వావసు (2025 - 2026) సంవత్సర (ఉగాది) రాశి ఫలాలు, ఆదాయ వ్యయాల కొరకు ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి.

Mesha Rashi (Aries Sign) dates and results of Sadesathi and Ardashtama and Astama Shani

Starting and ending dates of Sadesathi, Astama shani and ardhastama shani

Complete information about Sadesati or Elaati Shani or 7 and Half year Shani, Ardhastam Shani and Astam Shani transit including starting and ending dates, remedies for Mesha Rashi people.

Saturn is lord of the tenth and eleventh house for the Mesha Rashi people. He rules career, gains, elder siblings, and friends of Mesha Rashi people. For you, Sade Sathi starts when Saturn transits over Meena Rashi and ends when Saturn leaves Vrishabha Rashi. Your Ardhashthama Shani runs when Saturn transits over Karkataka Rashi and Astama Shani when he transits over Vrischika Rashi. Saturn gives excellent results when it transits over Mithuna Rashi (Third house), Kanya Rashi( sixth house), and Kumbha Rashi (Eleventh house). Mesha Rashi is a Neecha sign for Saturn, so he gives more bad results when he transits over Mesha Rashi, Janma Shani.

Dhaiya/ Kantaka/ Ashtama Shani (Transit of Saturn over Eighth House):
02/11/2015 - 26/01/17, 21/06/2017 - 26/10/2017, 11/12/2043-23/06/2044, and 30/08/2044 - 07/12/2046
Saturn transits over Vrishchika Rashi in this two and half year period. Shani's transit over the 8th house gives unexpected life changes. He aspects fourth house throughout this transit, as a result, Healthwise, this will be an average period, and you need to be careful while driving. There are also better periods to invest in lands and houses. Saturn will have an aspect on the tenth house, the house of career. As a result of Career-wise, it will be a bit tough period, and there will be sudden changes in career or loss of career may happen. As Saturn aspects your second house, it may affect your earnings and money. It would help if you were careful regarding investments in this period. As Saturn aspects fourth house, you may need to be careful regarding your parents' health during this period.

Sadesati's First Dhaiya/ Vyaya shani/ sadesathi/ elnati shani start (Transit of Saturn over 12th house from Moon sign):
29/03/2025 - 03/06/2027 and 20/10/2027 - 23/02/2028
Saturn is transiting in the twelfth house (in Meena Rashi); this is the starting period of Sadesathi. Saturn keeps you indulged in futile activities in this two and half year period. It also causes misuse of time, financial loss, loss of health, loss of business, distress to life partner and children, etc. You may keep wandering during this period. Few people with bad Saturn in their charts may go to jail or far off place. You may also face defeat at the hand of your enemies.

Sadesati's Second Dhaiya/ Janma shani (Transit of Saturn over first house from Moon sign):
03/06/2027 - 20/10/2027, 23/02/2028 - 08/08/2029 and 05/10/2029 - 17/04/2030
Saturn transits over Mesha Rashi, his neecha Rashi in this period. Saturn becomes weak in this sign. While transiting in the first house, Saturn gives malefic results. It affects more on health, mentality, family, and career. You may consume food poison or some deadly attacks on your body. Accidents, a conspiracy by family members, negative behavior from friends, etc., are possible. Overseas trips, transfers, disrespect, etc., are also imminent. You will develop a sense of telling a lie. You will stay away from home. You may also need some help with your life partner.

Sadesati's Third Dhaiya/ Dhana Shani (Transit of Saturn over Second house from Moon sign):
08/08/2029 - 05/10/2029 and 17/04/2030 - 31/05/2032
Saturn transits over Vrishbha Rashi in this period. Transiting in the second house, Saturn causes deterioration in ailments, diseases of different types, loss of wealth, insult, hurdles, delay in childbirth, etc. It also causes hurdles in accomplishing whatever the native undertakes. You may also have fights with family members, lack of reputation, and comfortable life. Saturn starts giving favorable results in the last six months of Sade Sathis.

Dhaiya over Fourth House/ ardhastama shani (Transit of Saturn over fourth house from Moon sign):
13/07/2034 - 27/08/2036
Saturn transits over Karka Rashi in this period. The fourth house signifies a house and comfortable life. Due to the transit of Saturn over the fourth house, you may stay away from your family and lack of comfortable life. You will also have differences and disputes with your friends and no faith in them. You must be careful while dealing with/ purchasing houses and property during this period. Sabotaging tendencies get encouraged. Emotions get glozed. Problems with vehicles or fixed assets are also indicated. Career-wise it will be a reasonable period, but you need to bear much work stress. As Saturn aspects the sixth house, as a result, you may also have some problems with your enemies.

Remedies on Sadesati, Ardhashatham Shani, and Ashtam Shani for Aries

Although Saturn's Sadesati, Ardhashatham Shani, and Ashtam Shani are difficult, there are many solutions to reduce their influence and attain Saturn's grace. Here are some effective remedies for Aries:

Common Remedies for Sadesati, Ardhashatham Shani, and Ashtam Shani

  • Worship of Shani: Worshiping Shani on Saturday is the most effective remedy. Light an oil lamp, offer black sesame seeds, black clothes, and iron objects in front of the idol of Lord Shani. Recite 'Shani Stotra' and 'Shani Chalisa'.
  • Hanuman Puja: Hanumanji is the Guru of Shani. Regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa and visits to Hanuman temple on Tuesday provide protection from Shani's influence.
  • Charity: Giving charity to the needy helps to get rid of Saturn's influence. Donate black articles, oil, iron articles, black sesame seeds, and food on Saturday.
  • Fasting: Fasting on Saturdays and consuming sattvic food pleases Lord Shani.
  • Mantra chanting: Chant the mantra 'Om Shanaishcharai Namah' regularly.

Specific Solutions for Aries

  • Worship of Mars: The lord of Aries is Mars. Worshiping Mars on Tuesday and offering red objects, red flowers, and jaggery can be beneficial.
  • Surya Namaskar: Regular Surya Namaskar protects against the effects of Saturn and gives positive energy.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Practicing yoga and meditation calms the mind and gives mental strength to face the challenges of Saturn.

Additional Tips

  • Regular Routine: Following a regular routine and leading a disciplined life protects against Saturn's influence.
  • Positive Attitude: It is important to have a positive attitude and face challenges with courage.
Aries (Mesha Rashi)
Imgae of Aries sign
Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi)
Image of vrishabha rashi
Gemini (Mithuna Rashi)
Image of Mithuna rashi
Cancer (Karka Rashi)
Image of Karka rashi
Leo (Simha Rashi)
Image of Simha rashi
Virgo (Kanya Rashi)
Image of Kanya rashi
Libra (Tula Rashi)
Image of Tula rashi
Scorpio (Vrishchika Rashi)
Image of Vrishchika rashi
Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)
Image of Dhanu rashi
Capricorn (Makara Rashi)
Image of Makara rashi
Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi)
Image of Kumbha rashi
Pisces (Meena Rashi)
Image of Meena rashi

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