Kark Rashi (Karkatak) (Cancer) December 2024 Rashiphal (Rashifal)
Monthly Cancer Horoscope based on Vedic Astrology
Health, Education, Career, Finance, Family and Business for Karkataka rashi people in December Monthly
Cancer is the fourth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Cancer. It spans the 90-120th degree of the zodiac. People born in Punarvasu Nakshatra (4th Pada), Pushyami Nakshatra (4 padas), Aslesha Nakshatra (4 padas) comes under Karka (Karkataka) rashi. Lord of this rashi is Moon.
December 2024 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer
Planetary Positions
- Sun: The Sun, ruler of your 2nd house, will transit from Scorpio (5th house) to Sagittarius (6th house) on Sunday, December 15, 2024.
- Mercury: Mercury, ruler of your 12th and 3rd houses, will remain retrograde in Scorpio (5th house) throughout the month.
- Venus: Venus, ruler of your 4th and 11th houses, will move from Sagittarius (6th house) to Capricorn (7th house) on Monday, December 2, 2024, and later to Aquarius (8th house) on Saturday, December 28, 2024.
- Mars: Mars, ruler of your 5th and 10th houses, will remain in its debilitation sign Cancer (Ascendant/1st house) throughout the month.
- Jupiter: Jupiter, ruler of your 6th and 9th houses, will stay in Taurus (11th house) for the entire month.
- Saturn: Saturn, ruler of your 7th and 8th houses, will transit Aquarius (8th house) throughout the month.
- Rahu: Rahu will remain in Pisces (9th house) for the entire month.
- Ketu: Ketu will stay in Virgo (3rd house) for the entire month.
General Predictions
This month will be very favorable for you.
Your career prospects look promising this month. You may receive a promotion or advancement in your position. Support from your superiors and colleagues will help you accomplish pending tasks. Sudden changes or improvements in your job are likely. Your ideas and plans will enhance your reputation. While the second half of the month will bring progress, there may also be some disappointment if financial gains or expected promotions do not materialize. Patience will help you navigate through these situations.
Financially, this month will bring mixed results. Income will be steady, but you may need to spend more on family needs. The second half of the month is favorable for investments. Diversified sources of income will strengthen your financial position. It’s advisable to consult experts before making significant investments to ensure better returns.
Health-wise, this month will be good, but caution is advised while driving. Due to Mars' placement in your Ascendant, you may face blood or heart-related health issues. Proper rest, managing anger, and maintaining a healthy diet will be crucial for avoiding complications.
Family life will bring mixed results this month. Your spouse may experience financial growth or benefits. Your children will perform well in their respective fields, bringing you happiness and satisfaction. The household atmosphere will be pleasant, and you will maintain good relations with other family members who will support and assist you in your endeavors.
For businesspeople or self-employed individuals, this month will bring significant growth. If you plan to start a new business or expand your current one, it is advisable to do so after the 16th of this month. However, avoid starting partnership ventures during this time, as Mars’ influence on the 7th and 8th houses could cause misunderstandings with business partners. Patience and open communication will help resolve any issues that arise.
This month will be excellent for students. They are likely to perform well in exams. However, students pursuing higher education may face some challenges. To overcome these obstacles and secure admission to their desired institutions, performing Mercury-related remedies on Wednesdays is recommended.
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Please Note: All these predictions are based on planetary transits and Moon sign based predictions. These are just indicative only, not personalised predictions.
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