Mesh Rashi (Aries) March 2025 Rashiphal (Rashifal)
Monthly Aries Horoscope based on Vedic Astrology
Health, Education, Career, Finance, Family and Business predictions for Mesha Rashi people in March Monthly
Aries is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude. People born in Aswini Nakshatra (4 charan), Bharani Nakshatra(4 charan), Krittika Nakshatra (1st charan) comes under Mesh Rashi (Aries Moon sign). Lord of this sign is Mars (Mangal/ Kuja/ Angaraka/ Savvai).
During this March, planetary transits for Aries natives are as follows:
☉ Sun ☉
The Sun, lord of your 5th house (Intelligence & Creativity), transits into Pisces, your 12th house (Expenditure & Foreign Affairs) on Friday, 14/03/2025.
☿ Mercury ☿
Mercury, lord of your 3rd and 6th houses, continues its transit in Pisces, your 12th house, throughout this month.
♀ Venus ♀
Venus, lord of your 2nd and 7th houses, continues its transit in Pisces, your 12th house, bringing focus on relationships, expenses, and travel.
♂ Mars ♂
Mars, lord of your 1st (Ascendant) and 8th houses, continues to stay in Gemini, your 3rd house (Communication & Courage) throughout this month, boosting energy in efforts and interactions.
♃ Jupiter ♃
Jupiter, lord of your 9th and 12th houses, continues its transit in Taurus, your 2nd house (Wealth & Speech), influencing financial growth and family matters.
♄ Saturn ♄
Saturn, lord of your 10th and 11th houses, moves from Aquarius (11th house) to Pisces (12th house) on Saturday, 29/03/2025, marking the beginning of your Sade Sati.
☊ Rahu ☊
Rahu remains in Pisces, your 12th house, throughout this month, affecting foreign connections and expenditures.
☋ Ketu ☋
Ketu continues in Virgo, your 6th house, influencing health, enemies, and work-related challenges.
General Overview
This month will give mixed results for you. The first half will be helpful as it helps you in completing your pending works and fulfilling your desires. In the second half, you will face hurdles and delays in every undertaking and more expenditure than expected.
Career-wise this month will be normal as you will have much workload and less support from your colleagues. The first half of this month is helpful and in the second half, there will be some misunderstanding or unnecessary issues at your workplace. Be careful with communication and paperwork as there is some problem indicating with communication or misleading information. The workload would be higher than expected, but the rewards would be up to your expectations. The working climate would be quite pleasant and free of tension and politics. This would generate much satisfaction and even a sense of achievement.
Family-wise this month will be normal. You may have to pay some extra money for your life partner. You can expect to experience conjugal bliss this month. Your spouse would give you a lot of love. In fact, the entire domestic scene would give you a lot of satisfaction. The family atmosphere would also remain quite pleasant throughout the month, with harmony among the members.
Business-wise this month will be normal as you will have less business and more investments. Better returns are indicated in the first two weeks, later you may see more expenditure than expected. In the second half, there might be an issue with your investments, as gains from investments may not come as expected.
Health will be normal. Take care of your health as there will be some health issues related to the head, nerves, and eyes. You will have to devote a lot of extra care and attention to your own well-being. There are chances that your body will not be able to do much with even a nutritious diet that you might eat.
For students, this month will be a bit troublesome as you will have much lazy feeling and lack of interest in studies. As it is exam time, it is advised not to take rest and practice much to get a better result in coming exams. Control your anger and emotions and do not fight with anyone. Chant Ganesha Stotra daily to get concentration and confidence.
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Click here for Year 2025 Rashiphal (Yearly Horoscope) in
Please Note: All these predictions are based on planetary transits and Moon sign based predictions. These are just indicative only, not personalised predictions.
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