Monthly Horoscopes for the month of November 2024.
Rashiphal (Rashifal) for November 2024
Job, Education, Family, Health, Business and Finance for November 2024
Welcome to our Monthly Horoscope or Rashiphal (Rashifal) section, These Monthly Rashiphal or Monthly horoscope predictions are based on the Moon sign or Rashi. Monthly transits of the Sun, Mars, Venus, and Mercury are considered in these predictions.
Click on your Moon sign image to see this month's Rashiphal. Rashiphal or Rashifal is also called Gochar, which means transits of planets. Every planetary transit from the Moon gives a different result. Planets over the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses will give bad results. All planets will perform well in the third, sixth, and eleventh houses. The eleventh house, especially the Labha sthana, fulfills our desires and gives us overall success. Planetary transit over the fourth house gives a heavy workload and stress. Transit from the eighth house causes accidents and losses, and over the twelfth house gives health issues and financial losses. Every Rashi and Lagna will have different results for each planet in different houses. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus transit in a sign for a month. Mars transits over a sign for around 45 days. Jupiter transits in a sign for a year. Rahu and Ketu transit in a sign for 18 months. Saturn transits in a sign for two and a half years.
If you don't know your moon sign, or Rashi, which is different from the Western sign or Sun sign, you can get your Rashi and Nakshatra details by entering your birth details on our Rashi and Nakshatra calculator page. Click here to know your Moon sign/ Rashi.
Planetary Transits and Their Effects in November:
Let's find out how the planetary positions are in the month of November 2024!
With the onset of winter, the planets in the sky are also changing their positions, offering us new energies. On November 7, Venus, a symbol of love and beauty, enters sagittarius sign from Scorpio. This change increases the intensity and affinity in relationships.
Sun, our source of livelihood, stays in Libra till the 16th of this month, promoting balance and justice. After that, he enters Scorpio, which increases the intensity and mystery in the atmosphere.
Now, let's talk about planets that are stable this month. Mars, the planet that is the symbol of war, stays in his low sign, Cancer, for the rest of the month, stirring up our emotions. Mercury, the source of thoughts and practice, will be in Scorpio, the mystical sign, throughout the month, promoting deeper thoughts and insight within us.
Jupiter, an auspicious planet, moves in Taurus sign even during this month, creating opportunities for growth and expansion. Saturn, the symbol of the performance of duty, moves throughout the month in aquarius, his own sign, reminding him of responsibilities and discipline.
Finally, Rahu and Ketu are in Pisces and Virgo signs respectively. While Rahu in Pisces has an influence on our thoughts and decisions, Ketu, who is transiting in Virgo, increases his critical attitude and focus on minute details.
Please Note: All these predictions are based on planetary transits and Moon sign based predictions. These are just indicative only, not personalised predictions.