
Karte, Nakshatra entering of Sun, Dates and Timings for year 2025

విశ్వావసు (2025 - 2026) సంవత్సర (ఉగాది) రాశి ఫలాలు, ఆదాయ వ్యయాల కొరకు ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి.

Date of Mrigashira Karte, Arudra karte for the year 2025

Here you can find Karte (Sun's entrance in to Nakshatra) dates and timings for IST (indian standard time). All timings are given for India (IST). For other timings please check panchang page. These dates are mainly helpful for farmers, doctors and many other people whose work is depend on rains and other seasons

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Karte: Entry of Sun in Nakshatras

A brief introduction to the concept and significance of karte in Vedic astrology

What is karte?

Karte is a Sanskrit term that means "entry" or "beginning". It refers to the phenomenon of the Sun entering a new nakshatra (constellation) in the sidereal zodiac. There are 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology, each spanning 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the ecliptic. The Sun takes about 13 days to traverse one nakshatra, and about one year to complete the cycle of 27 nakshatras.

Why is karte important?

Karte is important because it marks the change of the Sun's energy and influence on the earth and its inhabitants. The Sun is the source of life, light, and vitality, and its movement through the nakshatras affects the seasons, the weather, the crops, and the mood of the people. Each nakshatra has its own characteristics, qualities, deities, symbols, and myths, and the Sun's entry into a nakshatra activates and enhances those attributes. Karte is also a time to worship and honor the Sun and the nakshatra lord, and to perform rituals and ceremonies to seek their blessings and protection.

How to know the karte dates?

The karte dates are calculated based on the sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology. The sidereal zodiac is based on the fixed positions of the stars, while the tropical zodiac is based on the seasons and the equinoxes. Due to the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes, the two zodiacs have a difference of about 24 degrees, which means that the Sun enters a nakshatra in the sidereal zodiac about 24 days later than in the tropical zodiac. For example, the Sun enters Aries in the tropical zodiac on March 21, but it enters Ashwini, the first nakshatra in Aries, in the sidereal zodiac on April 14. Therefore, the karte dates are not fixed, but vary from year to year. The karte dates can be found in the panchangas (almanacs) or online sources that follow the sidereal zodiac.

What are the effects of karte?

The effects of karte depend on the nature and quality of the nakshatra that the Sun enters, and the individual's birth chart and planetary positions. Generally, the karte of the Sun in a nakshatra brings out the positive and negative aspects of that nakshatra, and influences the areas of life that are ruled by that nakshatra. For example, the karte of the Sun in Ashwini nakshatra, which is ruled by Ketu, the planet of detachment, spirituality, and innovation, can bring new beginnings, enthusiasm, courage, and healing, but also impulsiveness, restlessness, and accidents. The karte of the Sun in Bharani nakshatra, which is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, can bring creativity, sensuality, and generosity, but also indulgence, jealousy, and conflicts. The karte of the Sun in Krittika nakshatra, which is ruled by the Sun itself, the planet of authority, ego, and leadership, can bring fame, success, and power, but also arrogance, criticism, and anger. The effects of karte can be felt for the duration of the Sun's stay in the nakshatra, which is about 13 days, or until the next karte.

How to make the best of karte?

The best way to make the best of karte is to align oneself with the energy and vibration of the Sun and the nakshatra that it enters, and to perform appropriate actions and rituals that are conducive to the nakshatra's qualities. Some of the common practices that can be done during karte are:

  • Offering prayers, mantras, and offerings to the Sun and the nakshatra lord, and seeking their guidance and grace.
  • Observing fasts, vows, or charity on the karte day, or on the days that the Sun transits the nakshatra.
  • Performing auspicious activities, such as starting a new venture, buying a property, getting married, or traveling, that are in harmony with the nakshatra's attributes and goals.
  • Avoiding inauspicious activities, such as litigation, surgery, or disputes, that are contrary to the nakshatra's nature and purpose.
  • Wearing or using gemstones, colors, herbs, or symbols that are associated with the nakshatra, and that enhance its positive effects and reduce its negative effects.
  • Studying the myths, stories, and legends that are related to the nakshatra, and learning the lessons and morals that they convey.
  • Contemplating the meaning and significance of the nakshatra, and how it relates to one's life, personality, and destiny.

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