Vedic Horoscope with accurate calculations and Birth Chart Predictions
Free Astrology (Jyotish), Vedic Horoscope by date of birth and time in German.
Get your free online Janamkundli/Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) birth chart/ 100 years Vedic Horoscope with detailed predictions on various aspects of life, Raja Yogas, Doshas, Remedies and Dasha Predictions for 100 years.
Kostenlose Horoskope und Geburtshoroskope online erstellen
Suchen Sie nach einer Möglichkeit, Ihr Horoskop oder Geburtshoroskop kostenlos online zu erstellen? Dann sind Sie bei genau richtig!
Diese Online-Astrologie-Plattform bietet seit über zwei Jahrzehnten kostenlose vedische Horoskope und Geburtshoroskope an. Geben Sie einfach Ihr Geburtsdatum, Ihre Geburtszeit und Ihren Geburtsort in das bereitgestellte Formular ein und erhalten Sie Ihr persönliches Horoskop. Sie können es online lesen oder als PDF herunterladen.
Was bietet:
Kostenlose vedische Horoskope: Erhalten Sie detaillierte Einblicke in Ihre Persönlichkeit, Beziehungen, Karriere und mehr basierend auf der vedischen Astrologie.
Kostenlose Geburtshoroskope: Lassen Sie Ihr Geburtshoroskop erstellen und erfahren Sie mehr über Ihre Stärken, Schwächen und Ihr Lebenspotenzial.
Einfache Bedienung: Geben Sie einfach Ihre Geburtsdaten ein und erhalten Sie Ihr Horoskop in wenigen Sekunden.
Online lesen oder herunterladen: Lesen Sie Ihr Horoskop direkt online oder laden Sie es als PDF herunter, um es jederzeit griffbereit zu haben.
Nutzen Sie die Kraft der vedischen Astrologie, um Ihr Leben besser zu verstehen. Besuchen Sie noch heute und erstellen Sie Ihr kostenloses Horoskop oder Geburtshoroskop!
What details we get from this free Vedic horoscope?
In our free Vedic Horoscope, you get all the important information which is required for reading a horoscope not just for an Astrologer, for common people as well. We aim to make understand Astrology to each one in the world so they will lead their life happily. Please note this is a free Vedic Natal chart with 100 year interpretation, there is no need to pay anything to get your Astrology report. Get your Horoscope reading done free of cost. Here I am providing details what you get with our free Vedic Horoscope:
- Birth details,
- Panchanga details including Rashi, Nakshatra and Janmakshar
- Avakahada chakra (Chart) which is useful for marriage matching.
- Ghata chakra – talks about days, months, Tithi etc to avoid for new starting
- Lucky things — talks about colours, days etc which are favourable for us.
- Planetary positions
- Jaimini Karakas
- Maitri chakra
- Lagna and Navamsha charts
- Other Varga charts up to D-60, including Varga table.
- Tables of Strengths of Houses and Planets
- Ashtaka Varga tables
- A special and unique feature of finding planetary strengths in dasha in various aspects like health, family, career etc.
- Vimshottari – Dasha- Antardasha and Pratyantar dasha tables up to 100 years
- Details of Doshas and Remedies in birth chart
- Horoscope predictions including various Yogas
- Vimshottari Dasha and Antardasha prediction up to 100 years.
Not only that, you can read your horoscope instantly, or take about a 100 page printout or export it as a PDF for free of charge.
Newborn Astrology, Rashi, Nakshatra, Name letters
Are you confused about the name of your newborn? Want to know which letters are good for the child? Here is a solution for you. Our website offers a unique free online service specifically for those who want to know about their newborn's astrological details, naming letters based on horoscope, doshas and remedies for the child. With this service, you will receive a detailed astrological report for your newborn.
This newborn Astrology service is available in
Bengali, and
German, and
Japanese. Languages. Click on the desired language name to get your child's horoscope.
Free Astrology
Free KP Horoscope with predictions
Are you interested in knowing your future and improving it with the help of KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology? Here is a free service for you. Get your detailed KP birth chart with the information like likes and dislikes, good and bad, along with 100-year future predictions, KP Sublords, Significators, Planetary strengths and many more. Click below to get your free KP horoscope.
Get your KP Horoscope or KP kundali with detailed predictions in
German, and
Click on the desired language name to get your free KP horoscope.
Hindu Jyotish App
The Hindu Jyotish app helps you understand your life using Vedic astrology. It's like having a personal astrologer on your phone!
Here's what you get:
Daily, Monthly, Yearly horoscope: Learn what the stars say about your day, week, month, and year.
Detailed life reading: Get a deep dive into your birth chart to understand your strengths and challenges.
Find the right partner: See if you're compatible with someone before you get married.
Plan your day: Find the best times for important events with our Panchang.
There are so many other services and all are free.
Available in 10 languages: Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Malayalam.
Download the app today and see what the stars have in store for you! Click here to Download Hindu Jyotish App