
Free KP Horoscope Online - Accurate Predictions | OnlineJyotish

విశ్వావసు (2025 - 2026) సంవత్సర (ఉగాది) రాశి ఫలాలు, ఆదాయ వ్యయాల కొరకు ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి.

Free Online K.P. Janmakundali – Get Your Accurate Birth Chart and Predictions

Free KP Janma Kundali, KP (Krishnamurthi Paddhati) Horosocpe with Predictions

Free online KP Astrology software with 100 year predictions

Welcome to our free online K.P. Janmakundali service, where you can generate your complete Krishnamurthy Paddhati (K.P.) birth chart with precise predictions. Discover your Rashi (Moon sign), Nakshatra (star), and key astrological details, including:

  • Lagna (Ascendant) and Navamsha charts
  • Avakahada Chakra and Ghata Chakra
  • Bhava Kundali (house placements)
  • K.P. Sub Lords for accurate predictions
  • Vimshottari Dasha and Bhukti details
Gain insights into your destiny based on your birth chart and current planetary positions. We're continuously enhancing our services, and Dasha predictions will be available in upcoming updates. Visit regularly to explore new features and stay updated on the latest astrological tools!

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Shri K.S. Krishna Murthy invented K.P. astrology. He is a well-known Astrologer from the state of Tamilnadu, India. Shri K.S. Krishna Murty researched various Indian and Western Astrology methods. Shri K.S. Krishna Murty developed a new K.P. (Krishnamurthy Paddhati) Technique, which gives an accurate result and pinpoints every event. This method used the basic principles of Vedic Astrology and analyzed them differently. K.P. Astrology uses the Sub Lord theory. The root of this sub-lord theory is based on the Vimshottari Dasha System of Vedic Astrology. K.P. Astrology also uses a ruling planet method widely for birth time rectification.

अब कृष्णमूर्ति पदृति कुंडली भी हिंदी भाषा में उपलब्ध है। अपने के.पी. कुंडली हिन्दी में जाँच करने के लिए यहा क्लिक करै ।

What is KP Astrology?
Answer: KP means Krishnamurthy Paddhati. Paddhati means method. Shri K. S. Krishnamurthy invented this method of analyzing a birth chart—a well-known Indian Astrologer from Tamilnadu State, India.
Q: Is there any difference between KP Astrology and Vedic Astrology?
Answer: No. Krishnamurthy Paddhati is a method of analysis. This method is taken from Vedic Astrology only. But the way of study is different than Vedic Astrology.
Q: What are the differences between KP and Vedic Astrology?
Answer: In the Vedic Astrology House division, most people equal house system and the Sripathi house system. In the KP method, only the Placidus house division is used. In Vedic Astrology, we use only Moon dasha. But in KP Astrology, we need to calculate Dashas for every planet and house. KP Ayanamsha will have a slight difference from Lahiri Ayanamsha. KP uses Western Aspects. KP method will have House significators based on ownership, placement in a sign, and Star and Aspect. KP Astrology also has ruling planets.

Free Astrology

Newborn Astrology, Rashi, Nakshatra, Name letters

Lord Ganesha blessing newborn Are you confused about the name of your newborn? Want to know which letters are good for the child? Here is a solution for you. Our website offers a unique free online service specifically for those who want to know about their newborn's astrological details, naming letters based on horoscope, doshas and remedies for the child. With this service, you will receive a detailed astrological report for your newborn. This newborn Astrology service is available in  English,  Hindi,  Telugu,  Kannada,  Marathi,  Gujarati,  Tamil,  Malayalam,  Bengali, and  Punjabi,  French,  Russian,  German, and  Japanese. Languages. Click on the desired language name to get your child's horoscope.

Free KP Horoscope with predictions

Lord Ganesha writing JanmakundaliAre you interested in knowing your future and improving it with the help of KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati) Astrology? Here is a free service for you. Get your detailed KP birth chart with the information like likes and dislikes, good and bad, along with 100-year future predictions, KP Sublords, Significators, Planetary strengths and many more. Click below to get your free KP horoscope.
Get your KP Horoscope or KP kundali with detailed predictions in  English,  Hindi,  Marathi,  Telugu,  Bengali,  Gujarati,  Tamil,  Malayalam,  Punjabi,  Kannada,  French,  Russian,  German, and  Japanese.
Click on the desired language name to get your free KP horoscope.