
Daily Panchangam Online - Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga | OnlineJyotish

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Online Panchang for today or any Date and Place

Hindu Calendar/ Jantri or Panchang with complete information

Know Today's Rashi, Nakshatra, Tithi, Yoga, Karana, Rāhu Kal, Daily lagna timings along with Pushkar Amsh timings, Daily Muhurtas, Yamaganda Kal, Tarabal and Chandra bal along with day guide

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The Panchang, a vital aspect of the Hindu calendar, is a comprehensive compilation of planetary calculations and significant astrological occurrences. It's an indispensable resource for anyone adhering to Hindu culture and traditions, providing daily planetary positions, key events, festivals, eclipse timings, Muhurtas, and more.

The term 'Panchang' is derived from Sanskrit, merging 'Pancha' (meaning five) and 'Anga' (representing limbs or parts), thereby symbolizing the 'five limbs of time.' These five elements are Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana, each of which contributes to the characterization of time. Influenced by the positions of the Sun and Moon, these characteristics are detailed for every day of the year in an almanac known as the Panchang.

The Panchang is used to ascertain the five crucial elements of time for Sankalpa, pinpointing dates for Yagyas, Pujas, Vratas, identifying dates for Shraddha, and determining Muhurtas. It serves as a guide to discern auspicious and inauspicious timings, thereby facilitating the general public in their day-to-day activities and rituals.

Universal Vedic (Hindu) Calendar

This Panchang calculates Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Rāhu Kal, and Yamagandha Kal for any place in the world, which is why our Panchang tool is called the Universal Vedic Calendar. You will receive all these details immediately upon clicking the submit button. You must fill in the desired date and place to complete the Panchang with Tarabal and Chandra Bal, Abhijit Muhurta, Brahma Muhurta, good and bad times of a day, daily Muhurta, correct Rāhu Kala time, and many more details.

Panchanga for Today

Our Panchanga Darshini offers you a detailed Panchang, providing information on today's lunar day (Tithi), Vara (day), Nakshatra (moon's constellation), Yoga (sun-moon combination), and Karana (half of Tithi), all calculated considering the Lahiri Ayanamsha. Additionally, it includes the current position of the moon.

This Hindu almanac also provides insights into today's Tarabal (the influence of Nakshatra), Chandra Balam (the influence of the Moon), Ashtama Chandra (Moon's unfavorable transit), Ghata Vara (days to avoid initiating new tasks), along with Rahukala, Gulika, Yamaganda timings. It also offers information on Varjyam, Durmhurtham, the quality of Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana, and the timings for Sunrise and Moonrise.

Moreover, it includes Rashi and Nakshatra change timings, Chowghati/Gouri Panchang, Hora timings, Muhurta timings, and a day guide featuring predictions based on Tarabal in English. The Hindu calendar effectively assists you in identifying the current Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana. It serves as a valuable guide in determining the auspicious and inauspicious times of the day.

What is Panchang?
The Panchang is derived from two words: 'Pancha,' meaning five, and 'Anga,' meaning limbs. As per Hindu Astrology, time is divided into five components: Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana.
Tithi represents the angular relationship between the Sun and the Moon. There is approximately a 12-degree difference between the Sun and Moon. They align on Amavasya (New Moon), and are in exact opposition on Purnima (Full Moon).
Vara refers to the day of the week. In Vedic Astrology, a day starts from one Sunrise and ends at the next Sunrise.
Nakshatra signifies Constellation. In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac (Rashi Chakra) is divided into 27 parts, each referred to as a Nakshatra. The Moon moves through a Nakshatra approximately every day, with each Nakshatra having different implications.
Yoga, like Tithi, is the angular distance between the Sun and the Moon. There are 27 Yogas in total.
Karana is half of a Tithi, and there are 11 Karanas in total.
The Panchang also provides information about daily planetary movements. It is used to determine auspicious times for significant events like marriages, house-warming ceremonies, etc., and hence plays a pivotal role in Indian culture.

How Does Panchang Help Us?
As mentioned earlier, the Panchang is an essential tool for selecting Muhurta (auspicious times) and understanding the favorable and unfavorable aspects of a day. All information provided in the Panchang is based on the Moon's transit across Rashis (Zodiac signs) and Nakshatras (constellations).
The Panchang guides us in our daily life, advising us on the best times to undertake certain activities and periods to avoid certain actions. By adhering to the guidelines provided in the Panchang, one can navigate life more smoothly and mitigate potential problems, thus leading to a more harmonious and trouble-free existence.

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