
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'Z'

Showing 221 - 240 of 244 results. Page: 12 of 13
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
221 Zubaidah Muslim Excellent.. F
222 Zudora Indian Labors. F

223 Zuhr Muslim Variant of Duhr: Forenoon.. F
224 Zuhra Muslim Venus. Star. F
225 Zuine Basque White. F
226 Zuleika Arabic Fair or Intelligent. Well-born. F
227 Zuleika Persian Brilliant beauty. Famous Bearer: the heroine in Byron's poem 'The Bride of Abydos' (1813). F
228 Zulema Arabic Variant of Salome or Solomon. Peace, tranquility. F
229 Zulema Hebrew Variant of Salome or Solomon. Peace, tranquility. F
230 Zulima Arabic Variant of Salome or Solomon. Peace, tranquility. F
231 Zulima Hebrew Variant of Salome or Solomon. Peace, tranquility. F
232 Zuph Biblical That beholds, observes, watches, roof, covering. F
233 Zuri French White and lovely. F

234 Zuria French White and lovely. F
235 Zurie French White and lovely. F
236 Zurina Basque White. F
237 Zurina Spanish White. F
238 Zurine Spanish White. F
239 Zuzanny Polish Polish form of Suzanne. F
240 Zuzims Biblical The posts of a door, splendor, beauty. F

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