
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'R'

Showing 1 - 20 of 538 results. Page: 1 of 27
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Ra English Doe. F
2 Ra'eesa Muslim Variant of Ra'isa: Leadress. Matron.. F

3 Ra'idah Muslim Leader.. F
4 Ra'isa Muslim Leadress. Matron.. F
5 Ra'naa Muslim Variant of Rana: To gaze. Look beautiful. Graceful.. F
6 Raabia Muslim Variant of Rabia: Fourth.. F
7 Raaheel Muslim Variant of Rahil: Rachel.. F
8 Raamiah Biblical Thunder, or evil, from the Lord. F
9 Raananah Hebrew Unspoiled. F
10 Raanee Muslim Variant of Rani: The queen.. F
11 Raashida Muslim Variant of Rashida: Conscious. Pious. Wise. Mature.. F
12 Rabab Muslim White cloud.. F
13 Rabah Hebrew Fourth born. F

14 Rabi'ah Muslim Garden. Springtime.. F
15 Rabia Muslim Fourth.. F
16 Rabiah Egyptian Born in the spring. F
17 Raca Biblical Worthless, good-for-nothing. F
18 Rachael Hebrew Variant of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel was the second and favoured wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. F
19 Rachel Biblical Sheep F
20 Rachel German Lamb. F

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