
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'N'

Showing 1 - 20 of 594 results. Page: 1 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Na'ila Muslim Winner.. F
2 Na'ilah Muslim Acquirer. Obtainer. One who succeeds.. F

3 Na'ima Muslim Comfort. Happiness. Benefit. Tranquility. Peace.. F
4 Na'imah Muslim Variant of Na'ima: Comfort. Happiness. Benefit. Tranquility. Peace.. F
5 Naa'ila Muslim Variant of Na'ila: Winner.. F
6 Naadhira Muslim Variant of Nadhira: Blooming. Flourishing.. F
7 Naadiya Muslim Variant of Nadia: Caller. Announcer.. F
8 Naaheed Muslim Variant of Nahid: Elevated. Venus.. F
9 Naaji'a Muslim Beneficial. Useful.. F
10 Naajia Muslim Variant of Najia: Free. Escaped.. F
11 Naamah Biblical Beautiful; agreeable F
12 Naamah Hebrew Pleasant. F
13 Naaman Biblical Beautiful; agreeable F

14 Naamit Hebrew Bird. F
15 Naarah Biblical Young person. F
16 Naarai Biblical Young person. F
17 Naasiha Muslim Variant of Nasiha: Advisor. Sincere.. F
18 Naava Hebrew Beautiful. F
19 Naavah Hebrew Beautiful. F
20 Naazima Muslim Variant of Nazima: Poetess. Matron.. F

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