
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'M'

Showing 181 - 200 of 1495 results. Page: 10 of 75
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
181 Mahmudee Muslim Variant of Mahmoode: Praised. Commendable.. F
182 Mahteab Muslim The moon.. F

183 Mai French May. In Roman mythology Maia: (source of the month May) was goddess of spring growth. F
184 Mai NativeAmerican Coyote. F
185 Mai Scottish Scottish form of Margaret: pearl. F
186 Maia French May. In Roman mythology Maia: (source of the month May) was goddess of spring growth. F
187 Maia Greek Mother of Hermes. F
188 Maia Hebrew Close to God. F
189 Maia Latin Daughter d Atlas. F
190 Maialen Hebrew From the tower. F
191 Maibe Egyptian Grave. F
192 Maible Irish Lovable. F
193 Maida Anglo-Saxon Maiden. F

194 Maida English Maiden; virgin. F
195 Maidel English Maiden. F
196 Maidel Hebrew From the tower. F
197 Maidie English Girl; maiden. Also can be a Scottish diminutive of Margaret. F
198 Maidie Greek Diminutive of Margaret: Pearl. F
199 Maidie Hebrew Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87). F
200 Maidie Persian Diminutive of Margaret: Child of light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. F

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