
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'M'

Showing 1 - 20 of 1495 results. Page: 1 of 75
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Ma'isah Muslim Walking with a proud swinging gait.. F
2 Ma'sma Muslim Innocent. Infallible.. F

3 Maa'sma Muslim Variant of Ma'sma: Innocent. Infallible.. F
4 Maachah Biblical Pressed down, worn, fastened. F
5 Maachathi Biblical Broken. F
6 Maadai Biblical Pleasant, testifying. F
7 Maahjabeen Muslim Variant of Mahjabin: Forehead. Moon.. F
8 Maai Biblical Belly, heaping up. F
9 Maajida Muslim Variant of Majida: Glorious. Powerful.. F
10 Maale-akrabbim Biblical Ascent of scorpions. F
11 Maarath Biblical Den, making empty, watching. F
12 Maasiai Biblical The defense, or strength, or trust of the Lord. F
13 Maat Egyptian Mythical goddess of order and justice. F

14 Maath Biblical Wiping away, breaking, fearing, smiting. F
15 Mab Irish Happiness. F
16 Mabbina Irish Happiness. F
17 Mabel English Diminutive of Amabel: Lovable. F
18 Mabel Latin Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, loving, lovable.Amabel was used frequently during the Middle Ages and briefly in the 19th century, and has now been largely replaced by the diminutive Mabel. F
19 Mabella English Variant of Mabel: Diminutive of Amabel: Lovable. F
20 Mabella Latin Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, loving, lovable.Amabel was used frequently during the Middle Ages and briefly in the 19th century, and has now been largely replaced by the diminutive Mabel. F

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