
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'H'

Showing 321 - 340 of 577 results. Page: 17 of 29
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
321 Henuita Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
322 Henuite Teutonic Ruler of the home. F

323 Hephzibah Biblical My delight is in her F
324 Hephzibah Hebrew She is my delight. F
325 Hepsey Hebrew Diminutive of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
326 Hepsiba Hebrew She is my delight. F
327 Hepsie Hebrew Diminutive of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
328 Hepsy Hebrew Diminutive of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
329 Hepzibah Hebrew Variant of Hephzibah: My delight is in her. F
330 Hepzibeth Hebrew She is my delight. F
331 Heqet Egyptian Mythical frog headed goddess. F
332 Hera Greek Hera: (the Roman Juno) was the mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and wife of Zeus. Dealing with her husband's infidelities she came to be called the goddess of marriages. F
333 Herdis Norse Bolli's daughter. F

334 Here Greek Wife of Zeus. F
335 Hermandina Greek Well born. F
336 Hermandine Greek Well born. F
337 Hermia Greek Well born. Stone. Feminine form of Hermes. A character in Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream'. F
338 Hermia Shakespearean A Midsummer Night's Dream' Daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. F
339 Herminia Latin Feminine of Herman. F
340 Hermione Greek Well born. Stone. Feminine name derived from Hermes. In Greek mythology, Hermione was the daughter of King Menelaus of Sparta and Helen of Troy. F

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