
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'F'

Showing 221 - 240 of 435 results. Page: 12 of 22
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
221 Fidessa Latin Faithful. F
222 Fifi French Diminutive of Josephine: May Jehovah add. Addition (to the family). A feminine form of Joseph. F

223 Fifine French Diminutive of Josephine: May Jehovah add. Addition (to the family). A feminine form of Joseph. F
224 Fifna Hebrew He shall add. F
225 Fifne Hebrew He shall add. F
226 Filberta English Brilliant. F
227 Filia Greek Amity. F
228 Filicia French Great happiness. F
229 Filipa Spanish Spanish form of Phillipa: loves horses. F
230 Filipina Greek Lover of horses. F
231 Filippa Swedish Loves horses. F
232 Filomena Greek Lover of man. Beloved. Variant of Philomena. F
233 Filomena Italian Loves mankind. Beloved. Variant of Philomena. F

234 Filomena Latin Lover of man. F
235 Filomenia Greek Lover of man. F
236 Filomina Latin Lover of man. F
237 Fina Hebrew He shall add. F
238 Findabair Celtic Mythical daughter of Medb. F
239 Fineena Irish Beautiful child. F
240 Finella Irish White shouldered. F

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