
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'C'

Showing 101 - 120 of 1288 results. Page: 6 of 65
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
101 Calisto Greek Most beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation. F
102 Calla Greek The most beautiful. F

103 Callan Gaelic Powerful in battle. F
104 Callan Scandinavian Flowing water. F
105 Callee Gaelic Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F
106 Callee Irish Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F
107 Callen Gaelic Powerful in battle. F
108 Calli English Lark. F
109 Calli Gaelic Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F
110 Calli Greek The most beautiful. F
111 Calli Irish Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F
112 Callia Greek Beautiful voice. F
113 Callida Latin Fiery. F

114 Callie English Lark. F
115 Callie Gaelic Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. F
116 Callie Greek The most beautiful. F
117 Callie Irish Variant of Cayley meaning from the forest. Note: This Database is Copyright 2000, Muse Creations Inc. F
118 Calligenia Greek Born of beauty. F
119 Calliope Greek Beautiful voice. A mythological muse for epic poetry. F
120 Calliope Latin Muse of epic poetry. F

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