
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'C'

Showing 241 - 260 of 1288 results. Page: 13 of 65
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Carilla Spanish Feminine form of Charles: manly. F
242 Carillie Latin Beloved. F

243 Carilyn English Feminine variant of Charles: manly. F
244 Carilynne English Feminine variant of Charles: manly. F
245 Carin Latin Keel; Little darling. F
246 Carina French Pure. F
247 Carina Italian Variant of Cara: Dear, beloved. From the feminine form of the Italian 'cara' or the Latin 'carus'. F
248 Carina Latin Keel; Little darling. F
249 Carina Swedish Pure. F
250 Carine French Pure. F
251 Carine Latin Little darling. F
252 Carine Swedish Pure. F
253 Carinen Hebrew Variant of Carmel: Garden or vinyard. Famous bearer: the name of a mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite order of mendicant friars was founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel. F

254 Carinna Latin Little darling. F
255 Carisa Latin Artistic. F
256 Carisa Spanish Very dear. F
257 Carissa Greek Very dear. F
258 Carissa Latin Artistic or giving; Very dear. F
259 Carissima Latin Dearest. F
260 Carita Italian Variant of Cara: Dear, beloved. From the feminine form of the Italian 'cara' or the Latin 'carus'. F

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