
Browse Girls Baby Names Starting with letter 'A'

Showing 1521 - 1540 of 2210 results. Page: 77 of 111
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1521 Antea Greek Feminine form of Antaeus son of Poseidon. F
1522 Anthea Greek Flower; Lady of flowers. Flowery. One of the names borne by goddess Hera in Greek mythology, revived by pastoral poets in the 17th century. F

1523 Anthia Greek Flower; Lady of flowers. F
1524 Anticlea Greek Mother of Odysseus. F
1525 Antigone Greek Daughter of Oedipus. F
1526 Antigone Latin Sister of Priam. F
1527 Antiope Greek Daughter of Asopus. F
1528 Antipatris Biblical For, or against the father. F
1529 Antje Hebrew Grace. F
1530 Antoinetta Latin Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. F
1531 Antoinette English Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. F
1532 Antoinette French Beyond praise. French feminine form of Anthony generally associated with French queen Marie Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI, guillotined during the French Revolution. F
1533 Antoinette Latin Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. F

1534 Anton German Feminine form of the German and Russian form of Anthony. F
1535 Anton Russian German and Russian form of Anthony, borne by the Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov (1860-1904). F
1536 Antonella Latin Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. F
1537 Antonetta Latin Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. F
1538 Antonetta Swedish Priceless. F
1539 Antonette Latin Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. F
1540 Antonia English Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. F

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