
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'Y'

Showing 81 - 100 of 119 results. Page: 5 of 6
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
81 Yoau Basque God saves. M
82 Yoel Hebrew God prevails. M

83 Yoman English Retainer. M
84 Yonah Hebrew Dove. M
85 Yoonus Muslim Variant of Yunus: The Biblical Jonas is the English language equivalent. A Prophet's name.. M
86 Yoosuf Muslim Variant of Yusuf: The Biblical Joseph is the English language equivalent. A Prophet's name.. M
87 Yorath Welsh Worthy lord. M
88 York Celtic Yew tree. M
89 York English From the bear estate. M
90 York Shakespearean Henry V and VI: Richard Plantagenet, later Duke of York. His son, Richard. 'Henry IV, 1' Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York. Sir Richard Vernon. 'Richard II' The king. Richard, Duke of York, Edward IV's son. 'Richard III' Archbishop of York. M
91 Yrre Anglo-Saxon Anger. M
92 Ysbaddaden ArthurianLegend A giant. M
93 Ysberin Welsh Legendary son of Fflergant. M

94 Ysgawyn Welsh Legendary son of Panon. M
95 Yspaddaden Celtic Mythical father of Olwyn. M
96 Yul English Born at Christmas. M
97 Yule English Born at Christmas. M
98 Yuli Basque Youthful. M
99 Yuli Latin Young. M
100 Yuma NativeAmerican Chiefs son. M

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