
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'X'

Showing 1 - 20 of 27 results. Page: 1 of 2
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Xabat Spanish Savior. M
2 XabieF Basque Owns a new house. M

3 Xalbador Spanish Savior. M
4 Xalvador Spanish Savior. M
5 Xanthus Greek A river god. M
6 Xanthus Latin A river god. M
7 Xanti Basque Named for Saint James. M
8 Xarles French Manly. M
9 Xavier Arabic Bright; splendid. See also Javier. M
10 Xavier Basque Owns a new house. M
11 Xavier Spanish Owns a new house. M
12 Xeno Greek Strange voice. M
13 Xenon Spanish Variant of Cenon: Receiver of life from Zeus. M

14 Xenophon Greek Strange voice. M
15 Xenos Greek Stranger. M
16 Xenres Persian Prince. M
17 Xerxes Greek Leaving. M
18 Xever Spanish Owns a new house. M
19 Ximen Hebrew God has heard. M
20 Ximon Basque God is heard. M

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