
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'R'

Showing 1 - 20 of 1132 results. Page: 1 of 57
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 R'phael Hebrew God's healer. M
2 Ra Egyptian The sun. M

3 Ra'ed Muslim Leader.. M
4 Ra'ees Muslim Variant of Ra'is: Head. Chief.. M
5 Ra'id Arabic Leader. M
6 Ra'is Muslim Head. Chief.. M
7 Raaghib Muslim Variant of Raghib: Desirous. Willing.. M
8 Raahat Muslim Variant of Rahat: Rest. Repose.. M
9 Raajih Muslim Variant of Rajih: Respondent.. M
10 Raakin Muslim Variant of Rakin: Respectful.. M
11 Raamah Biblical Greatness; thunder; some sort of evil M
12 Raamiah Biblical Thunder, or evil, from the Lord. M
13 Raamiz Muslim Variant of Ramiz: Symbol.. M

14 Raanan Hebrew Fresh. M
15 Raaqeem Muslim Variant of Raqim: Writer. Recorder.. M
16 Raaqim Muslim Variant of Raqim: Writer. Recorder.. M
17 Raasikh Muslim Deep-rooted. Stable.. M
18 Raateeb Muslim Variant of Ratib: Arranger.. M
19 Raatib Muslim Variant of Ratib: Arranger.. M
20 Raaziq Muslim Variant of Raziq: God. Provider.. M

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