
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'M'

Showing 441 - 460 of 1513 results. Page: 23 of 76
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
441 Marcelo Italian Form of the Latin Marcellus meaning hammer. M
442 Marcely Latin Hammer. M

443 Marcena Latin Of Mars. Feminine of Marcus. Mars was mythological Roman god of fertility also identified with the Greek war god Ares. M
444 March Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Edward, Earl of March and son to Richard Plantagenet, afterwards King Edward IV. M
445 March Welsh Legendary son of Meirchywn. M
446 Marchland English From the march. M
447 Marchman English From the march. M
448 Marci Latin Hammer. M
449 Marcian Latin Hammer. M
450 Marciano Italian Form of the Latin Marcellus meaning hammer. M
451 Marcinek Polish Warlike. M
452 Marcio Italian Of Mars. The Roman fertility god Mars for whom March was named. M
453 Marcius Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Caius Marcius Coriolanus, and also Young Marcius, son to Coriolanus. M

454 Marco Italian Italian form of Marcus: Mars (Roman god of war). Famous Bearer: Marco Polo (1254-1324), explorer from Venice. Warring. M
455 Marco Latin Hammer. M
456 Marco Portuguese Of Mars; the god of war. M
457 Marco Spanish Warring. M
458 Marcos Portuguese Of Mars. The Roman fertility god Mars for whom March was named. M
459 Marcos Spanish Of Mars. The Roman fertility god Mars for whom March was named. M
460 Marcus Biblical Polite; shining M

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