
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'K'

Showing 21 - 40 of 916 results. Page: 2 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
21 Kadmiel Biblical God of antiquity; God of rising M
22 Kadmonites Biblical Ancients; chiefs M

23 Kadmus Greek From the east. M
24 Kaedee English Rhyming variant of Katy or Cady. M
25 Kael Gaelic Slender; fair. Form of Caelan. M
26 Kaelan Gaelic Slender; fair. Form of Caelan. M
27 Kaelin Gaelic Slender; fair. Form of Caelan. M
28 Kaemon Japanese Joyful; righthanded. Old Samurai name. M
29 Kafeel Muslim Variant of Kafil: Responsible. Sponsor.. M
30 Kafele Egyptian Would die for. M
31 Kafil Muslim Responsible. Sponsor.. M
32 Kafka Czechoslovakian Bird. M
33 Kaga NativeAmerican Chronicler. M

34 Kagan Irish A thinker; fiery. Form of Hugh. M
35 Kagen Irish A thinker; fiery. Form of Hugh. M
36 Kaherdin ArthurianLegend Brother of Isolde. M
37 Kahleil Arabic Friend. M
38 Kahlil Arabic Friend. M
39 Kai Hawaiian The sea. M
40 Kai Scottish Fire. M

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