
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'D'

Showing 401 - 420 of 1498 results. Page: 21 of 75
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
401 David Hebrew Beloved or friend. The Old Testament David killed the giant Goliath in 10th Century BC, then succeeded Saul as King of Israel. M
402 David Scottish Beloved or friend, adopted from the Hebrew. David was a common name of Scottish kings in the Middle Ages. M

403 David Swedish Beloved. M
404 David Welsh Beloved or friend, from the Hebrew. Sixth century St David (or Dewi) was patron saint of Wales. M
405 Davide Italian Italian form of David 'beloved'. M
406 Davidek Hebrew Variant of David: Cherished. Famous bearers: British pop star David Bowie, American talk-show host David Letterman. M
407 Davidson English Surname. Variant of David 'beloved.'. M
408 Davidson Scottish David's son. M
409 Davidsone English David's son. M
410 Davie Hebrew Diminutive of David: Cherished; beloved. M
411 Davie Irish Variant of David 'beloved.'. M
412 Daviel English Variant of David 'beloved.'. M
413 Davies Welsh Surname. Variant of David 'beloved.'. M

414 Davin French Variant of David 'beloved.'. M
415 Davin Hebrew Dearly loved. M
416 Davin Norse Intelligent. M
417 Davin Scandinavian Shining; bright Finn. M
418 Davin Swedish Pride of the Finns. M
419 Davion English Variant of David 'beloved.'. M
420 Daviot English Variant of David 'beloved.'. M

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