
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'D'

Showing 181 - 200 of 1498 results. Page: 10 of 75
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
181 Dane Hebrew God will judge. M
182 Dane Norse From Denmark. M

183 Dane Scandinavian From Denmark. M
184 Daned Welsh Legendary son of Oth. M
185 Danek Hebrew Variant of Daniel: God is my judge. M
186 Danel Basque Basque form of Daniel. M
187 Danel Hebrew God will judge. M
188 Danell Hebrew Variant of Daniel 'God is my judge.'. M
189 Danforth English Place name in Britain. M
190 Dang Vietnamese Valuable. M
191 DAngelo Italian Variant of Deangelo: From the angel. M
192 Danhy Norse From Denmark. M
193 Dani Hebrew God will judge. M

194 Daniel Biblical Judgment of God; God my judge M
195 Daniel Hebrew God is my Judge. The biblical prophet and writer of Book of Daniel was a teenager when taken to Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BC. He survived two death sentences: (a lions' den and a fiery furnace.); Frontiersman Daniel Boone. M
196 Daniel Irish Attractive. A translation of the Gaelic name Domhnall. M
197 Daniel Welsh Attractive. A translation of the Welsh name Deiniol. M
198 Daniele Hebrew God will judge. M
199 Daniele Italian Italian form of Daniel 'God is my judge'. M
200 Daniels Hebrew Variant of Daniel: God is my judge. M

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