
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'C'

Showing 721 - 740 of 1762 results. Page: 37 of 89
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
721 Chauncey French Fortune; a gamble. From a surname based on a French place name. Famous bearers: Charles Chauncy, an early Harvard University president. M
722 Chauncey Latin Chancellor. M

723 Chauncory Latin Chancellor. M
724 Chauncy English Variant of Chauncey: Chancellor; secretary; fortune; a gamble. M
725 Chauncy French Variant of Chauncey meaning, fortune; a gamble. Famous bearers: Charles Chauncy, an early Harvard University president. M
726 Chavatangakwunua NativeAmerican Short rainbow (Hopi). M
727 Chaviv Hebrew Dearly loved. M
728 Chavivi Hebrew Dearly loved. M
729 Chay English A diminutive of Charles, from the Old English 'ceorl' meaning man. Sometimes used as an independent name. Famous bearers: British long-distance yachtsman Chay Blyth. M
730 Chayce English Huntsman. M
731 Chayim Hebrew Life. M
732 Chayne French Oak-hearted. M
733 Chayo Spanish Abbreviations for names ending in '-ano' and '-rio.' Chan: (Chinese) family name. M

734 Chayton NativeAmerican Falcon (Sioux). M
735 Chayyim Hebrew Variant of Chayim: Life. M
736 Chayym Hebrew Variant of Chayim: Life. M
737 Chaz English A man. Variant of Carl. M
738 Chazaiah Hebrew God sees. M
739 Chazaya Hebrew Variant of Chazaiah: God sees. M
740 Chaziel Hebrew Variant of Chazaiah: God sees. M

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