
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'B'

Showing 1881 - 1900 of 1983 results. Page: 95 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1881 Burdon English Lives at the castle. M
1882 Bureig English Lives on the brook island. M

1883 Burel French Reddish brown haired. M
1884 Burford English Lives at the castle ford. M
1885 Burg German Variant of Berg: Mountain. M
1886 Burgard English Variant of Burchard: Strong castle. M
1887 Burgaud English Variant of Burchard: Strong castle. M
1888 Burgeis English Lives in town. M
1889 Burges English Variant of Burgess: Citizen. M
1890 Burgess Celtic Citizen. M
1891 Burgess English Lives in town. M
1892 Burgh German Variant of Berg: Mountain. M
1893 Burghard English Strong as a castle. M

1894 Burghere English Lives at the fortress. M
1895 Burgiss English Variant of Burgess: Citizen. M
1896 Burgtun English From the fortress town. M
1897 Burgundy Shakespearean 'King Henry V' and 'Henry VI, Part 1' and 'Tragedy of King Lear' Duke of Burgundy. M
1898 Burhan Muslim Proof. Evidence.. M
1899 Burhardt German Strong as a castle. M
1900 Burhbank English Lives on the castle's hill. M

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