
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'B'

Showing 1861 - 1880 of 1983 results. Page: 94 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1861 Buhaan Muslim Variant of Burhan: Proof. Evidence.. M
1862 Buidhe Gaelic Blond. M

1863 Buinton Spanish Born fifth. M
1864 Buiron French From the cottage. M
1865 Bukki Biblical Void. M
1866 Bukkiah Biblical The dissipation of the Lord M
1867 Bul Biblical Old age; perishing M
1868 Bullcalf Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 2' Peter Bullcalf, a country soldier. M
1869 Bunah Biblical Building; understanding M
1870 Bundy English Free. M
1871 Bunni Biblical Building me M
1872 Burbank English Lives on the castle's hill. M
1873 Burcet French From the little stronghold. M

1874 Burch English Birch. M
1875 Burchard English Strong as a castle. M
1876 Burckhardt English Variant of Burchard: Strong castle. M
1877 Burdett English Surname used as a given name. M
1878 Burdett French Surname used as a given name. M
1879 Burdette English Surname used as a given name. M
1880 Burdette French Surname used as a given name. M

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