
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'B'

Showing 1801 - 1820 of 1983 results. Page: 91 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1801 Bryant English Popular variant of Brian. M
1802 Bryant French He ascends. M

1803 Bryce Anglo-Saxon Son of a nobleman. M
1804 Bryce Celtic Swift. Famous bearer: St Brice, sometimes called St. Britius, was a 5th century Bishop of Tours. M
1805 Bryce Scottish Speckled. Surname form of Brice. M
1806 Brycen Scottish Variant of Bryce. M
1807 Bryceton Scottish Variant of Bryce. M
1808 Brychan Welsh Speckled; spotted. M
1809 Bryden English Place name in Britain. M
1810 Brydger English Lives at tbe bridge. M
1811 Bryggere English Lives at tbe bridge. M
1812 Bryn Welsh Hill. Many Welsh place names begin with the word 'Bryn'. M
1813 Bryne Irish Surname. M

1814 Brynjolf Norse Killed Atli. M
1815 Brynley English Variant of Brinley: Burnt wood. M
1816 Brynly English Variant of Brinley: Burnt wood. M
1817 Brynmor Welsh Great hill. M
1818 Brynn Welsh From the hill. M
1819 Bryon Celtic Variant of Brian: Brave; Virtuous. M
1820 Bryon English Popular variant of Brian. M

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