
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'B'

Showing 1 - 20 of 1983 results. Page: 1 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1 Baabar Muslim Variant of Babar: Lion. King of jungle.. M
2 Baahir Muslim Variant of Bahir: Dazzling. Brilliant.. M

3 Baal Biblical Master; lord M
4 Baal-berith Biblical Idol of the covenant. M
5 Baal-gad Biblical Idol of fortune or felicity. M
6 Baal-hamon Biblical Who rules a crowd M
7 Baal-hermon Biblical Possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed M
8 Baal-meon Biblical Idol or master of the house M
9 Baal-peor Biblical Master of the opening M
10 Baal-perazim Biblical God of divisions M
11 Baal-shalisha Biblical The god that presides over three; the third idol M
12 Baal-tamar Biblical Master of the palm-tree M
13 Baal-zebub Biblical God of the fly M

14 Baal-zephon Biblical The idol or possession of the north, hidden, secret. M
15 Baalath Biblical A rejoicing; our proud lord M
16 Baalath-beer Biblical Subjected pit. M
17 Baali Biblical My idol; lord over me M
18 Baalim Biblical Idols; masters; false gods M
19 Baalis Biblical A rejoicing; a proud lord M
20 Baalzebub Biblical The devil; fallen angel M

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