
Browse Boys Baby Names Starting with letter 'A'

Showing 2141 - 2160 of 3051 results. Page: 108 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2141 Apollonia Biblical Perdition, destruction. M
2142 Apollonius Biblical Destroying M

2143 Apollos Biblical One who destroys; destroyer M
2144 Apollos Greek Variant of Apollo: Manly beauty. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of medicine and healing who drove his fiery chariot (the sun) through the sky. M
2145 Apollyon Biblical A destroyer M
2146 Apolo Greek Variant of Apollo: Manly beauty. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of medicine and healing who drove his fiery chariot (the sun) through the sky. M
2147 Apoloniusz Greek Manly beauty. M
2148 Apoloniusz Polish Polish form of Apollo 'god of the sun'. M
2149 Aponivi NativeAmerican Where the wind blows down the gap (Hopi). M
2150 Apostolos Greek Apostle. M
2151 Appaim Biblical Face, nostrils. M
2152 Appanoose NativeAmerican Sauk word for child. M
2153 Apsel German Father of peace. M

2154 Apsel Scandinavian Father of peace. M
2155 Aqa Muslim Variant of Agha: Master. Owner.. M
2156 Aqeeb Muslim Following. Subsequent.. M
2157 Aqib Muslim Variant of Aqeeb: Following. Subsequent.. M
2158 Aqueel Muslim Wise. Intellectual.. M
2159 Aquil Muslim Variant of Aqueel: Wise. Intellectual.. M
2160 Aquila Biblical An eagle. M

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