
Popular Welsh Origin Baby Names

Popular Welsh names for girls and boys

Showing 181 - 200 of 265 results. Page: 10 of 14
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
181 Lynnette Welsh Variant of ancient Welsh given name Eluned: From 'cilun' meaning idol. In Arthurian legend Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest. F
182 Mabli Welsh Welsh form of Mabel, meaning lovable. F

183 Maegan Welsh Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. F
184 Mair Welsh Bitter. F
185 Mali Welsh Welsh form of Molly: bitter. F
186 Maredud Welsh Magnificent. F
187 Marged Welsh Pearl. F
188 Margred Welsh Pearl. F
189 Mari Welsh Variant of Mary, meaning bitter. Favored prefix for blended names like Maribel. F
190 Maygan Welsh Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. F
191 Meagan Welsh Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. F
192 Meaghan Welsh Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. F
193 Meeghan Welsh Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. F

194 Meggan Welsh Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. F
195 Meghan Welsh Pearl. F
196 Meirion Welsh Name derived from the old county of Merionethshire. F
197 Mercia Welsh From Mercia. F
198 Meredith Welsh Magnificent. Great chief. Great lady. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls. F
199 Meredydd Welsh Magnificent. F
200 Mererid Welsh Pearl. F

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