
Popular Swedish Origin Baby Names

Popular Swedish names for girls and boys

Showing 121 - 140 of 217 results. Page: 7 of 11
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
121 Kjell Swedish Swedish forrn of Charles 'manly'. M
122 Klas Swedish People's victory. M

123 Knut Swedish Knot. M
124 Kolbjorn Swedish Black bear. M
125 Konrad Swedish Swedish form of Conrad 'counselor'. M
126 Konstantin Swedish Firm. M
127 Krist Swedish Christian. M
128 Kristar Swedish Christian. M
129 Kristian Swedish Christian. M
130 Kristofer Swedish Swedish form of Christopher 'Christ bearer'. M
131 Lang Swedish Tall. M
132 Larry Swedish Laurel. M
133 Lars Swedish Laurel. M

134 Larz Swedish Laurel. M
135 Leif Swedish Dearly loved. M
136 Lennart Swedish Swedish form of Leonard 'lion'. M
137 Lorens Swedish Laurel. M
138 Lorenz Swedish Laurel. M
139 Lucio Swedish Brings light. M
140 Ludvik Swedish Famous warrior. M

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