
Popular Spanish Origin Baby Names

Popular Spanish names for girls and boys

Showing 861 - 880 of 1215 results. Page: 44 of 61
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
861 Matias Spanish Gift of God. M
862 Matro Spanish God's gift. M

863 Maureo Spanish Dark-skinned; A Moor. M
864 Mauricio Spanish Moorish. M
865 Mauro Spanish Moorish. M
866 Maya Spanish Abbreviation of Amalia; variant of Maia. F
867 Melisandra Spanish Strength; determination. F
868 Melisenda Spanish Sweet. F
869 Melita Spanish Abbreviation of Carmelita. F
870 Melosa Spanish Sweet. F
871 Melosia Spanish Sweet. F
872 Mendi Spanish Reference to the Virgin Mary. F
873 Mercedes Spanish Mercy. Derived from one of the Spanish titles for the Virgin Mary (Maria de las Mercedes). F

874 Mercy Spanish Diminutive of Mercedes: Mercy. Derived from one of the Spanish titles for the Virgin Mary (Maria de las Mercedes). F
875 Miguel Spanish Spanish form of Michael 'God like'. M
876 Milagritos Spanish Miracle. F
877 Milagros Spanish Miracle. F
878 Milagrosa Spanish Miracle. F
879 Mimi Spanish Pet name for Mira; Maria and Noemi. F
880 Miranda Spanish Admirable. F

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