
Popular Shakespearean Origin Baby Names

Popular Shakespearean names for girls and boys

Showing 621 - 640 of 644 results. Page: 32 of 33
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
621 Vincentio Shakespearean 'Measure for Measure' The Duke. 'The Taming of the Shrew' Vincentio, a Merchant of Pisa. M
622 Viola Shakespearean 'Twelfth Night', also called 'What You Will' Sister of Sebastian. F

623 Violenta Shakespearean All's Well That Ends Well.' Neighbour and friend to the Widow of Florence. F
624 Virgilia Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Wife to Coriolanus. F
625 Voltemand Shakespearean 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' A courtier. M
626 Volumnia Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Mother to Coriolanus. F
627 Volumnius Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Supportor of Brutus. M
628 Wales Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1 and 2' Edward Poins, an irregular humorist. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Son of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Edward, Prince of Wales, son to King Henry VI. M
629 Wall Shakespearean A Midsummer Night's Dream' Snout, a tinker, acts as Wall in the play within the play. M
630 Walter Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Walter Whitmore. 'King Richard III' Sir Walter Herbert. M
631 Wart Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 2' Thomas Wart, a country soldier. M
632 Warwick Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 2', 'Henry V' and 'King Henry the Sixth, Part I, II and III' Earl of Warwick, one of the King's party. 'King Richard III' Edward, Duke of Warwick, a young son of Clarence. 'King Richard III' Edward, Earl of Warwick. M
633 Westminster Shakespearean 'King Richard The Second' Abbot of Westminster. M

634 Westmoreland Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1 and 2' Henry V. Earl of Westmoreland, one of the King's party. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Earl of Westmoreland. M
635 Whitmore Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Walter Whitmore. M
636 William Shakespearean Henry VI, 2' Sir John Stanley. 'Henry VI, Part III' Sir William Stanley. As You Like It' A country fellow, in love with Audrey. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' A boy, son to Page. 'Richard III' Sir William Catesby. 'Richard III' Sir William Brandon. M
637 Williams Shakespearean 'King Henry V' Soldier in the King's army. M
638 Willoughby Shakespearean 'King Richard The Second' Lord Willoughby. M
639 Winchester Shakespearean 'Henry VI, I' Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, Henry VI's great-uncle, Bishop of Winchester, cardinal in 'Henry VI, Part 2'. 'Henry VI, Part 1' John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, later Duke. 'King Henry VIII' Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester. M
640 Wolsey Shakespearean 'King Henry the Eighth' Cardinal Campeius. M

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