
Popular Norse Origin Baby Names

Popular Norse names for girls and boys

Showing 581 - 600 of 906 results. Page: 30 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
581 Magnor Norse Fighter. M
582 Magnus Norse Fighter. M

583 Mani Norse Father of Ketil. M
584 Mar Norse Son of Naddodd. M
585 Maria Norse Name not originally Norse but it appears in several sagas and is the name of King Harald Sigurdsson's daughter. F
586 Marianne Norse Bitter grace. F
587 Meklorka Norse A deaf and mute concubine. F
588 Menglad Norse Won by Svipdag. F
589 Mikkel Norse Norse form of Michael. M
590 Mildri Norse Mild and lovely. F
591 Miolnir Norse Thor's hammer. M
592 Mista Norse A Valkyrie. F
593 Mjolnir Norse Thor's hammer. M

594 Modi Norse Son of Thor. M
595 Munin Norse Memory. M
596 Nagelfar Norse The ship that will carry the dead to Ragnarok. M
597 Nanna Norse Wife of Balder. F
598 Nerthus Norse Mother of earth. F
599 Nidhogg Norse A mythical dragon. M
600 Nidhug Norse A mythical dragon. M

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