
Popular NativeAmerican Origin Baby Names

Popular NativeAmerican names for girls and boys

Showing 81 - 100 of 190 results. Page: 5 of 10
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
81 Keezheekoni NativeAmerican Burning fire (Chippewa). F
82 Kimi NativeAmerican Secret (Algonquin). F

83 Kineks NativeAmerican Rosebud. F
84 Kiwidinok NativeAmerican Of the wind (Chippewa). F
85 Koko NativeAmerican Night (Black Foot). F
86 Kokyangwuti NativeAmerican Spider woman at middle age (Hopi). F
87 Kuwanlelenta NativeAmerican To make beautiful surroundings (Hopi). F
88 Kuwanyamtiwa NativeAmerican Beautiful badger going over the hill (Hopi). F
89 Kuwanyauma NativeAmerican Butterfly showing beautiful wings (Hopi). F
90 Lenmana NativeAmerican Flute girl (Hopi). F
91 Leotie NativeAmerican Flower of the prairie. F
92 Lomahongva NativeAmerican Beautiful clouds arising (Hopi). F
93 Lomasi NativeAmerican Pretty flower. F

94 Lulu NativeAmerican Rabbit. F
95 Luyu NativeAmerican Wild dove. F
96 Magena NativeAmerican Moon. F
97 Mahal NativeAmerican Woman. F
98 Mahala NativeAmerican 'Woman. F
99 Mai NativeAmerican Coyote. F
100 Makkitotosimew NativeAmerican She has large breasts (Algonquin). F

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