
Popular Muslim Origin Baby Names

Popular Muslim names for girls and boys

Showing 1001 - 1020 of 1436 results. Page: 51 of 72
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1001 Noorudeen Muslim Variant of Nuruddin: Brightness of the Faith.. M
1002 Nu'man Muslim Blood. Old Arabic name.. M

1003 Nudrat Muslim Rarity. Uniqueness.. M
1004 Nuh Muslim The Biblical Noah is the English language equivalent.. M
1005 Nuri Muslim Shining.. M
1006 Nuruddin Muslim Brightness of the Faith.. M
1007 Nusrat Muslim Victory. Help.. M
1008 Nuzhat Muslim Recreation. Amusement.. M
1009 Omar Muslim Variant of Omar: Life. Long living.. M
1010 Omar Muslim Life. Long living.. M
1011 Omran Muslim Solid structure.. M
1012 Ossama Muslim One of the names of the lion.. M
1013 Pasha Muslim Pasha. A Title.. M

1014 Peer Muslim Variant of Pir: Leader. Old.. M
1015 Pir Muslim Leader. Old.. M
1016 Qa'id Muslim Steersman. Leader.. M
1017 Qa'im Muslim Upright. Stable.. M
1018 Qaa'id Muslim Variant of Qa'id: Steersman. Leader.. M
1019 Qaa'im Muslim Variant of Qa'im: Upright. Stable.. M
1020 Qaabil Muslim Variant of Qabil: Acceptor. Next. Able.. M

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