
Popular Hindi Origin Baby Names

Popular Hindi names for girls and boys

Showing 261 - 280 of 291 results. Page: 14 of 15
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
261 Salmalin Hindi Claw. M
262 Sanat Hindi Ancient. M

263 Sandhya Hindi Twilight. F
264 Sarad Hindi Bom during the fall. M
265 Sarisha Hindi Sophisticated. F
266 Seema Hindi Limit. F
267 Shanata Hindi Tranquil. F
268 Shashi Hindi Moonlight. F
269 Sita Hindi Goddess of the land. F
270 Sitara Hindi The moming star. F
271 Soma Hindi Moon. F
272 Subha Hindi Beautiful. F
273 Sulya Hindi God of the sun. M

274 Supriya Hindi Beloved. F
275 Sur Hindi Knife. F
276 Tira Hindi Arrow. F
277 Tirtha Hindi Ford. F
278 Trisha Hindi Thirst. F
279 Uma Hindi Bright. F
280 Usha Hindi A princess. F

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