
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 501 - 520 of 1068 results. Page: 26 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
501 Gelasius Greek Laughter. M
502 Gene Greek Diminutive of Eugene: Well born. M

503 Geordie Greek Farmer. M
504 Georg Greek Farmer. M
505 George Greek From 'georgos' meaning tiller of the soil, or farmer. Famous bearer: St George, patron saint of England, who struggled with a fire breathing dragon symbolizing the devil. M
506 Georges Greek Farmer. M
507 Georget Greek Farmer. M
508 Gergely Greek Vigilant. M
509 Gergor Greek Vigilant. M
510 Geronimo Greek Sacred name. Variant of the saint's name Jerome. 19th Century American Indian Geronimo was one of the last of the Apache warrior chiefs. M
511 Geryon Greek Monster killed by Hercules. M
512 Gheorghr Greek Farmer. M
513 Giles Greek Shield bearer. M

514 Gilles Greek Shield bearer. M
515 Glaucus Greek Son of Minos. M
516 Goran Greek Farmer. M
517 Gorka Greek Farmer. M
518 Greg Greek Diminutive of Gregory: Watchful. Famous bearer: American actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I who was also known as St Gregory the Great. M
519 Gregg Greek Diminutive of Gregory: Watchful. Famous bearer: American actor Gregory Peck, and Pope Gregory I who was also known as St Gregory the Great. M
520 Gregoire Greek Vigilant. M

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