
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 361 - 380 of 1068 results. Page: 19 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
361 Daymon Greek Variant of Damon: Gentle; to tame. M
362 Deacon Greek Dusty one; servant. M

363 Deakin Greek Dusty one; servant. M
364 Deiphobus Greek A son of Priam. M
365 Deke Greek Dusty one; servant. M
366 Dekel Greek Dusty one; servant. M
367 Dekle Greek Dusty one; servant. M
368 Delphinus Greek A scout of Poseidon. M
369 Demetre Greek Gift from Demeter. M
370 Demetri Greek Gift from Demeter. M
371 Demetrio Greek Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. Of Demeter. Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of corn and harvest. She withdraws for the part of the year her daughter Persephone must spend with the god of the underworld - the reason for winter. M
372 Demetrios Greek Gift from Demeter. M
373 Demetris Greek Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. Of Demeter. Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of corn and harvest. She withdraws for the part of the year her daughter Persephone must spend with the god of the underworld - the reason for winter. M

374 Demetrius Greek Earth-lover. Of Demeter. Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of corn and harvest. She withdraws for the part of the year her daughter Persephone must spend with the god of the underworld - the reason for winter. M
375 Demetrois Greek Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. Of Demeter. Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of corn and harvest. She withdraws for the part of the year her daughter Persephone must spend with the god of the underworld - the reason for winter. M
376 Demitri Greek Of Demeter. Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of corn and harvest. She withdraws for the part of the year her daughter Persephone must spend with the god of the underworld - the reason for winter. M
377 Demitrius Greek Of Demeter. Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of corn and harvest. She withdraws for the part of the year her daughter Persephone must spend with the god of the underworld - the reason for winter. M
378 Demodocus Greek A blind hero. M
379 Demogorgon Greek A Greek name for Satan. M
380 Demophon Greek Son of Theseus. M

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