
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 321 - 340 of 1068 results. Page: 17 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
321 Daedalus Greek Killed his nephew. M
322 Daemon Greek Guardian spirit. M

323 Daimen Greek Variant of Damon: Gentle. To tame. A variant of Damian. In Greek legend Damon was a loyal friend of Pythias. Famous bearer in modern times: American author Damon Runyon. M
324 Daimon Greek Variant of Damon: Gentle. To tame. A variant of Damian. In Greek legend Damon was a loyal friend of Pythias. Famous bearer in modern times: American author Damon Runyon. M
325 Damae Greek Tame. M
326 Daman Greek Variant of Damon: Gentle. To tame. A variant of Damian. In Greek legend Damon was a loyal friend of Pythias. Famous bearer in modern times: American author Damon Runyon. M
327 Damaskenos Greek From Damascus. M
328 Damaskinos Greek From Damascus. M
329 Damasko Greek Variant of Damaskenos: From Damascus. M
330 Damen Greek Variant of Damon: Gentle; to tame. M
331 Dameon Greek Variant of Damian: Tame. Saint Damian was the patron saint of hairdressers. M
332 Damian Greek To tame, from the Greek name Damianas. Variant of Damon 'one who tames; subdues.' The Belgian priest Father Damien gave his life helping the Hawaiian lepers of Molokai. 3rd Century St. Damian is patron of physicians. M
333 Damiano Greek Variant of Damian: Tame. Saint Damian was the patron saint of hairdressers. M

334 Damien Greek Variant of Damian: Tame. M
335 Damion Greek Variant of Damian: Tame. M
336 Damocles Greek A tyrant of Syracuse. M
337 Damon Greek Gentle. To tame. A variant of Damian. In Greek legend Damon was a loyal friend of Pythias. Famous bearer in modern times: American author Damon Runyon. M
338 Damone Greek Variant of Damon: Gentle; to tame. M
339 Damyan Greek Variant of Damian: Tame. M
340 Damyen Greek Variant of Damian: Tame. M

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