
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 301 - 320 of 1068 results. Page: 16 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
301 Costa Greek Steady; stable. M
302 Cottus Greek A Titan. M

303 Creon Greek Prince. Jocasta's brother. M
304 Cretien Greek Christian. M
305 Cristoforo Greek Christ bearer. M
306 Cristophe Greek Christ bearer. M
307 Cronus Greek A Titan. M
308 Ctesippus Greek One of Penelope's suitors. M
309 Cy Greek Diminutive of Cyril: Lord, lordly. Famous bearer, the 9th-century missionary Saint Cyril, devised the Cyrillic alphabet used in Slavonic languages. M
310 Cycnus Greek Swan. M
311 Cyprian Greek From Cyprus. M
312 Cyr Greek Lordly. M
313 Cyrano Greek From Cyrene (Greek island). M

314 Cyrek Greek Lordly. M
315 Cyril Greek Lord, lordly. Famous bearer, the 9th-century missionary Saint Cyril, devised the Cyrillic alphabet used in Slavonic languages. M
316 Cyrill Greek Master; lord. M
317 Cyrille Greek Variant of Cyril: Lord. M
318 Cyrillus Greek Variant of Cyril: Lord. M
319 Cyrus Greek Enthroned. Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and founded the Persian Empire. M
320 Cyryl Greek Lordly. M

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