
Popular Greek Origin Baby Names

Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 1241 - 1260 of 2548 results. Page: 63 of 128
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1241 Hippolyte Greek Queen of the Amazons. F
1242 Hippolytus Greek Horse let loose. In Greek legend, the son of Theseus and Hippolyta, who was dragged to his death by stampeding horses. M

1243 Hippolytusr Greek Freer of horses. M
1244 Hippomenes Greek Winner of Atalanta. M
1245 Homar Greek Given as hostage; promised. Homer was credited with writing the epic Greek poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. M
1246 Homer Greek Security. Helmet maker. Pool in a hollow. Famous Bearer: Homer, the Greek poet who authored the Iliad and the Odyssey. M
1247 Homeros Greek Security. M
1248 Homerus Greek Security. M
1249 Horae Greek Goddess of the season. F
1250 Hy Greek Diminutive of Hyacinth: From the flower by the same name. In Greek legend, the hyacinth sprouted from the blood of the youth Hyacinthus, who was accidentally killed by Apollo. M
1251 Hyacinth Greek Purple. F
1252 Hyacinth Greek From the flower by the same name. In Greek legend, the hyacinth sprouted from the blood of the youth Hyacinthus, who was accidentally killed by Apollo. M
1253 Hyacintha Greek Feminine form of Hyacinth: From the flower by the same name. In Greek legend, the hyacinth sprouted from the blood of the youth Hyacinthus, who was accidentally killed by Apollo. F

1254 Hyacinthe Greek Purple. F
1255 Hyacinthusr Greek Hyacinth. M
1256 Hyades Greek Name for the nymphs. F
1257 Hyancinthe Greek Hyacinth. M
1258 Hydra Greek A dragon killed by Hercules. F
1259 Hygeia Greek Goddess of health. F
1260 Hygieia Greek Goddess of health. F

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