
Popular German Origin Baby Names

Popular German names for girls and boys

Showing 801 - 820 of 935 results. Page: 41 of 47
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
801 Saelac German Blessed. M
802 Saxon German Dagger; short sword. In the 5th century, the Germanic Saxons frequently invaded Britain. M

803 Schaeffer German Steward. M
804 Schaffer German Steward. M
805 Selig German Blessed. M
806 Selik German Blessed. M
807 Sherman German Shearman. In medieval times a shearman worked as a sheepshearer or finisher of cloth. Shermann. M
808 Shermon German Variant of Sherman meaning 'shireman' or 'shearman.'. M
809 Siegfried German Victorious peace. M
810 Sigfrid German Victorious. M
811 Sigifrid German Victorious. M
812 Sigifrith German Victorious. M
813 Sigismund German Variant of Sigmund: Victorious defender. M

814 Sigiwald German Victorious ruler. M
815 Sigmund German Victorious defender; victory, protection. Famous Bearer: psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856, 1939). Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc. 1995. M
816 Sigwald German Victorious ruler. M
817 Sigwalt German Victorious ruler. M
818 Silvester German Trees; sylvan. See also Sylvester and Silvano. M
819 Spangler German Tinsmith. M
820 Spengler German Tinsmith. M

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