
Popular French Origin Baby Names

Popular French names for girls and boys

Showing 41 - 60 of 1078 results. Page: 3 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
41 Alhertine French Feminine form of Albert. F
42 Alice French Variant of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis', a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F

43 Alisanne French Variant of Alice. F
44 Alison French A 13th century variant of Alice meaning nobility. Now particularly popular in Scotland. F
45 Alita French Winged. F
46 Alix French A variant of Alice meaning noble. also a feminine form of Alexander meaning defender of mankind. F
47 Alixandra French Defender of mankind. Feminine of Alexander. F
48 Allaire French Cheerful; glad. Variant of Hilary. F
49 Alleffra French Cheerful. F
50 Allete French Winged. F
51 Allie French Diminutive of Alison: A 13th century variant of Alice meaning nobility. Now particularly popular in Scotland. F
52 Allison French A 13th century variant of Alice meaning nobility. Now particularly popular in Scotland. F
53 Ally French Diminutive of Alison: A 13th century variant of Alice meaning nobility. Now particularly popular in Scotland. F

54 Allyson French Variant of Alice. F
55 Aloisia French Feminine form of Aloysius: A French Provincial variant of Louis. Aloysius is the name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and common among British Roman Catholics. F
56 Aloysia French Feminine form of Aloysius: A French Provincial variant of Louis. Aloysius is the name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and common among British Roman Catholics. F
57 Alsatia French From Alsace - a region in France. F
58 Alyson French Variant of Alice. F
59 Alyssandra French Defender of mankind. Feminine of Alexander. F
60 Amabella French Lovable. F

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