
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 1161 - 1180 of 2286 results. Page: 59 of 115
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
1161 Imogen English Innocent. Last born. The name of the heroine of Shakespeare's play Cymbehoe as a result of a printing error in the Folio edition of the play. F
1162 Ina English A diminutive of any names ending in 'ina' or 'ena' (ie. Christina) used as a nickname. Famous bearer: In 1906 Queen Victoria's granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, known as Princess Ena, became Queen of Spain. F

1163 Inda English The country India. F
1164 Indee English The country India. F
1165 India English The country India. F
1166 Indiana English The country India. F
1167 Iona English Violet. F
1168 Irvetta English Friend of the sea. F
1169 Irvette English Friend of the sea. F
1170 Isabel English Variant of Elizabeth. My God is bountiful;God of plenty. F
1171 Isabelle English Variant of Elizabeth. My God is bountiful;God of plenty. F
1172 Iva English A climbing evergreen ornamental plant. F
1173 Ivalyn English A climbing evergreen ornamental plant. F

1174 Ivey English A climbing evergreen ornamental plant. Ivy. F
1175 Ivie English A climbing evergreen ornamental plant. F
1176 Ivory English White; pure. Reference to creamy-white color of ivory; or to the hard tusk used for carving fine art and jewelry. F
1177 Ivy English Faithfulness. This name is derived from the plant name. F
1178 Ivyanne English A climbing evergreen ornamental plant. F
1179 Jacee English Based on the initials J. C. or an abbreviation of Jacinda. F
1180 Jacelyn English Based on the initials J. C. or an abbreviation of Jacinda. F

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