
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 221 - 240 of 2286 results. Page: 12 of 115
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
221 Audrina English Nobility; strength. F
222 Audris English Nobility; strength. F

223 Augusta English Feminine form of Augustus: Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century. F
224 Aurear English Gentle music. F
225 Auriar English Gentle music. F
226 Austen English Variant of Augustine. F
227 Austina English Variant of Augustine. F
228 Austine English Variant of Augustine. F
229 Autumn English Born in the fall; The fall season. F
230 Ava English Variant of medieval given names Avis and Aveline. F
231 Avah English Variant of medieval given names Avis and Aveline. F
232 Avalee English Variant of medieval given names Avis and Aveline. F
233 Avelina English Variant of medieval given names Avis and Aveline. F

234 Aveline English Variant of medieval given names Avis and Aveline. F
235 Avelyn English Variant of medieval given names Avis and Aveline. F
236 Averil English From the Old English Everild, which is derived from words meaning boar-battle. The modern from Averil evolved in the 17th century. Also means Opening buds of spring; born in April. '. F
237 Averill English Opening buds of spring; born in April. F
238 Avery English Feminine form of Avery: Counselor; sage; wise. F
239 Averyl English Born in April. F
240 Avia English Modern blend of Ava and Ana. F

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