
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 2161 - 2180 of 2286 results. Page: 109 of 115
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2161 Tarynn English Blend of Tara 'high hill' and Erin 'from Ireland. '. F
2162 Tashia English Abbreviation of Natasha - the Russian form of the English Natalie: born at Christmas. F

2163 Tassa English Abbreviation of Natasha - the Russian form of the English Natalie: born at Christmas. F
2164 Tate English Brings joy. F
2165 Tatum English Brings joy. F
2166 Taura English An astrological name; feminine of Taurus, the bull. F
2167 Taurina English An astrological name; feminine of Taurus, the bull. F
2168 Taylor English Tailor. F
2169 Tayte English Brings joy. F
2170 Teagan English Good-looking. F
2171 Teal English The bird teal; also the blue-green color. F
2172 Teddi English Abbreviation of Theodora. God given. F
2173 Teela English The bird teal; also the blue-green color. F

2174 Tegan English Good-looking. F
2175 Teige English Good-looking. F
2176 Temperance English Temperance. One of the qualities adopted as a first name by the Puritans after the Reformation. F
2177 Tempest English Turbulent; stormy. F
2178 Temple English Reference to medieval priories and settlements of the military religious order Knights Templars. F
2179 Teri English Abbreviation of Teresa, meaning harvester. F
2180 Teriana English Abbreviation of Teresa, meaning harvester. F

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