
Popular English Origin Baby Names

Popular English names for girls and boys

Showing 4221 - 4240 of 4419 results. Page: 212 of 221
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
4221 Weolingtun English From the wealthy estate. M
4222 Weorth English From the farm. M

4223 Wes English West meadow. Variant of the English surname Westley. M
4224 Wesley English From the west meadow. John and Charles Wesley were the founders of Methodism. M
4225 Wessley English West meadow. Variant of the English surname Westley. M
4226 West English West town. Surname. M
4227 Westbroc English From the west brook. M
4228 Westbrook English From the west brook. M
4229 Westby English From the west farm. M
4230 Westcot English From the west cottage. M
4231 Westcott English From the west cottage. M
4232 Westen English West town. Surname. M
4233 Westin English West town. Surname. M

4234 Westleah English From the west meadow. M
4235 Westley English From the west meadow. M
4236 Weston English West town. Surname. M
4237 Westun English From the west. M
4238 Wetherby English From the wether sheep farm. M
4239 Wetherly English From the wether sheep meadow. M
4240 Wethrby English From the wether sheep farm. M

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